These cherry preserves have been a long time coming. That being said I did not buy these cherries with the intent of making cherry preserves. Okay, hold on, I need to take a step back here. This past February, yes about 5 months ago now, I was at a meeting at The Montage in Laguna Beach. If you have been reading these posts for a while now, you might know that The Montage is my happy place, and if I could move there I would in a heart beat. Any who, when I was out there this past February they had these huge homemade English muffins at breakfast, and I fell in love with them. I would toast one up and then cover it with my other new found love, cherry preserves, and it was my little piece of heaven over the course of a long meeting week. I didn't grow up eating cherry preserves, we had our fair share of strawberry and of course grape jelly, but cherry was foreign. So, when I got tired of eating cherries at my desk and getting my fingers stained red about a week ago, I decided it was time to use the remaining cherries to finally make preserves.
Well they turned out exactly like I wanted them too! Chunky, with a little bit of tart to go along with the sweet. They scream for a toasted English muffin, but I won't judge you if you only have toast in the house. I honestly might have to make some pancakes and serve the preserves alongside sans the syrup. That or grab a nice soft cheese and some toasted baguette. Either, way I would definitely recommend making these sometime, or this weekend, before sweet summer cherries disappear for the season. Enjoy!
While Charles was away this past weekend with the guys, I had some ladies over for Reef Cups by the pool. I have to give a serious shout out to Krista for the idea behind these watermelon ice cubes. Pure genius, and I can't wait to make some more with the rest of the huge watermelon I still have.
Down to the preserves...they are super simple to make!